Monday 21 November 2016

5 Healthy Tips for Weight Loss

Eating healthy is a vital component of slimming down. Dietary fads that focus on eating one type of food (for example carbohydrates) or totally eliminating others (such as fats and sugars) never last because for your body to stay healthy it takes many of these foods, however in moderation.

5 Healthy Tips for Weight Loss

a) Understanding what to eat
b) Knowing when to eat
c) Understanding how much to consume
How to simplify your purchasing
e) How to correctly prepare your food intake

There is so much information available on what to eat that we occasionally get so confused we quit before we get started. Understanding what to eat isn't as difficult as it seems. The key is within the food pyramid. The majority of your diet plan (Six to seven servings) ought to be made up of grains (the bottom of the pyramid). These include wholegrain breads, cereals, rice and pasta. Next are fruits and vegetables which will provide the fibre, vitamins and essential minerals that the body needs. The closer the vegetables and fruit are to their natural state, the more nutritious they will be (processing removes nutrients). Dairy and protein (milk, cheese, meat) are what is necessary for strong bones and muscles. Maximize nutritional impact by selecting lean cuts of meat for your 2 -3 daily servings. The top the pyramid is oils and fats, meaning they should be consumed sparingly. Full of flavor, but low in nutritional value, select unsaturated fats, nuts and vegetable oils.

when you should eat is one thing we all know, becasue it is something our parents told us, eat when you're hungry and stop when you are full. Unfortunately, this really is one of the most difficult items to control. Because of busy schedules and existing bad eating habits a lot of us often eat by the clock, breakfast at 7, lunch at noon, dinner at 6pm, whether we're hungry or not. A whole lot worse, is that we often snack constantly (or regularly) between meals, so rather than three balanced meals, we are more likely to eat Five to six unbalanced ones.Just how much to eat is equally as big an issue as knowing when to eat. Today things are super-sized, value-sized and pretty much over-sized. Two daily servings of meat are not much since an amount is just 2 oz. A typical restaurant steak is at least 8oz, that is twice your everyday requirement. The same goes for virtually all the foods we eat. A serving of salad dressing (from the fat and oil group) is just 1 tbsp, not the more than 1/4 cup we unknowingly pour on in the salad bar. Understanding portion control is essential to maintain a healthy diet.

Get some Weight Loss Tips for 2017

Simplifying your shopping
might seem at odds using the need to eat a wide variety of foods to maintain a well balanced diet but it's not. The more ingredients you include in a recipe, the more processed foods and empty calories you add to your diet. By continuing to keep recipes simple, not only will meals taste better, but they will also be filled with all of the nutrients your body needs, provided you do not cook it out of them.In addition to choosing healthy food, how you cook them will determine just how much nutritional value you end up, which is why it is also important to know how to properly prepare the foods you consume. Although raw carrots are the most nutritious, does it matter should you boil or steam them before serving as a side dish? Boiling removes all of the carrots essential vitamins, which end up discarded using the water, while steaming maintains their color, texture and nutritional value. So how you ready your meals are just like essential as what you're preparing.If you bear in mind these five simple tips, you'll be on your way to eating healthier and losing weight.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Diet and Energy Tips

Weight Loss Success With The Power Of 2

How do you rate the difficulty of dieting and losing weight on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 meaning it's very easy for you and 10 meaning it's really hard?
The average difficulty rating seems to be around 8. That's an unscientific, anecdotal based estimate.
If you "failed" at diets in the past and look at your next weight loss attempt with trepidation, it's most likely because you have a high dieting difficulty self-rating.
Unfortunately, diets, of necessity, force you to do things, eat foods, and eat in certain ways that are outside of your norm. Plus, you probably need to eat less than you're used to and if you don't do that right you get hungry and grouchy and hate the whole experience.
Dieting means you need to change your routines if not your habits which is always a challenge.
When you add it all up, dieting causes a lot of stress and pushes your personal difficulty rating off the charts.
The Power Of 2
One good way to help relieve a lot of the stress and move that difficulty rating from an 8 (or whatever yours is) down in the 3 to 4 range or even less, is to use the Power of 2 by finding a good dieting buddy.
Depending on your personal "how-to-diet" preferences, especially if you're socially oriented, finding a buddy or even a group may be the very foundation of your success. Your own personal missing link to weight loss success.
And even if you're not ordinarily the social type, at least giving the Power of 2 dieting buddy idea a try can't hurt.
As in any good partnership, if you find a good, compatible match for your dieting buddy, you will: 
  • Help each other overcome your dieting weaknesses
  • Support each other in maximizing your dieting strengths
  • Give each other both the rational and emotional support needed for success
  • Encourage and "cheer lead" each other during tough times
The Power of 2 in dieting, if done correctly, will give you exponential success.
How To Choose A Dieting Buddy
There are 5 steps to choosing an exponentially powerful dieting buddy: 
  1. Pay attention to how you like to do things. You'll discover your natural, inborn, innate preferences, strengths, traits, and characteristics. See how you can use your preferred behavioral style in conjunction with and in support of your diet - regardless of the diet you choose.

  2. Make sure your buddy knows, understands, and will support your dieting behavioral preferences.

  3. Learn your buddy's traits and characteristics - and his/her dieting behavioral dieting preferences, too. They may be the same as yours or may be radically different.

  4. Make sure you know, understand, and will support your buddy's dieting behavioral preferences.

  5. Agree with your buddy, in advance, how you are going to help and support each other. Exactly how you do that in reality will evolve over time. It will take some testing, trial, and error. But, if you start with at least a loose agreement on how to help and support each other, it will go a long way to helping both of you reduce your dieting difficulty rating and lead quickly to easier and more successful weight loss.
Let's say you're the type of person who does everything at a fast pace, you're socially oriented, creative, and love fun, adventure, and being spontaneous. You don't like structure, routine, or boredom. You're also impatient and expect quick results.
You can see right off the bat that any sort of highly structured diet is a challenge for you. That doesn't mean you can't do it. Quite the contrary. You can be successful on a highly structured diet. If you take into account your natural traits, characteristics, and preferences, and, in a sense just plug them into the diet, you can make any legitimate diet work for you.
So let's now assume you find a dieting buddy with the same traits and characteristics as you. The two of you can support and help each other find ways to spur each other's creativity, make your dieting fun, and challenge each other to find ways to insert some spontaneity and flexibility without deviating too far beyond the bounds of your diet.
Or, maybe you find a dieting buddy who is quite different. Someone, let's say, who has tremendous patience, loves routine and structure, follows rules, is detail oriented, and just likes consistency and stability.
As long as the two of you really "get" each other and respect your differences in life and in dieting styles, are willing to admit your own dieting downfalls or weaknesses, and committed to get involved in each other's dieting efforts with openness and honesty, you'd make a great dieting buddy pair...better than someone who is just like you.
You'll help your buddy to get get moving with the take some risks. You'll encourage her to stay with the diet when it's hard for her. You'll show her how to have a little fun with it.
In turn, she'll help you see that yes, you can have quick results, but "quick" in terms of reality. She'll model some patience for you. She'll help you stick to your dieting routine when you start feeling it's too restrictive. She'll give you an outlet for your emotional frustration when you start having that inevitable sense of boredom with the whole thing.
Finding a random dieting buddy where you don't know and understand each other's traits, characteristics, and dieting behavioral preferences, however, can prove disastrous. If you don't have a good sense of how you should go about dieting or how your buddy should go about dieting, it's impossible to help and support each other in positive and constructive ways. It could easily raise your dieting difficulty.
But, when you choose someone and can really get in tune with each other's best and most effective approaches to dieting and losing weight, you'll significantly reduce your dieting difficulty rating and greatly increase the ease and success of your weight loss efforts.
The Power of 2 can be quite dramatic.
Copyright - 2011 - Dexter Godbey - All Rights Reserved
Resource Box: Click here for instant access to a FREE, Unique, Personalized, Online Temperament And Dieting Compatibility Style™ Analysis and Profile: It takes less than 2 minutes to take the short quiz and get your instant, Free Profile. Discover your Dieting Compatibility Style - the key to easy and successful weight loss.
Uncover your unique Dieting Compatibility Style™. Discovering how to use your natural strengths in your weight loss efforts can make your dieting stress-free, easier, and more successful than ever before - guaranteed - regardless of your diet - once and for all. Make your next diet your last diet.

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Friday 4 November 2016

Detox With Colon Cleansing Diet Tips

It seems as if every time we get to looking, there is another colon cleansing, "energizing" weight loss program which will detox your system, cut the fat and help you to drop the weight. People offer colon cleansing diet tips to help those people who are suffering from problems such as fatigue and sluggishness from excess weight. If you've ever tried one of these diets and failed it's no surprise because these diets can be difficult to stay on. That's why before you try your next cleansing diet, you need to have good solid information which will not only help you to get through the actual diet, but also help you to transition back into normal life without undoing all the good you've done.
The first thing you need to know about a colon cleansing diet is that you have many different options. There are herbal cleanses, fiber programs, diets and fasting and oxygen cleanses. So, you need to know what type of detox and colon cleansing diet you want to go on. For many first timers, the fiber programs are the gentlest and offer good results, but if you're looking for something more intense, you might want to consider a specialized diet. One of the most important colon cleansing dieting tips which should never be ignored is to determine your age and total health before you consider one type of colon cleansing diet over another. If you tend to become very weak when you don't have food after a couple of hours, for instance, you may want to rule out fasting, which could have very negative side effects for you.
You should also know that you can choose how quickly you want your detox diet to work, because some are very intense, but work quickly, while others are gentle and slow, so it's up to you. For instance, if you will have the time to dedicate to an intense approach, you may choose to just get your colon cleansing diet over and done with.
Another very important colon cleansing diet tip is to begin a pre-diet routine by changing what you eat for a few days. Each of these programs will include instructions as to what you should be eating before you begin so that you can attain optimal results with your colon cleanse diet without negative side effects such as cramping and discomfort. You should always do what's right for your body, though and don't pick a colon cleanse diet which is too harsh or you could become very sick from the very same toxins which you are trying to rid yourself of.
Most of these programs recommend that you cut out all processed foods between 3 and 5 days before you begin your colon cleanse diet and eat about half of your daily calorie allowance in fresh fruits and veggies. Another colon cleansing diet tip which is very often recommended is to cut out all the dairy products from your diet. You should also consider eliminating meats and breads from the diet as well, since they can cause your body to form mucus in the system.
Once you begin, make sure to pay attention to the colon cleansing diet tips and advice from professionals and don't get discouraged if you don't achieve your full desired results on the first try. Instead, stick with the first one and repeat again in the recommended amount of time for best results.
Jennifer Johnson provides information and resources on many natural treatments and therapies. To reclaim your health in 10 days or less and detox with colon cleansing diet tips, visit 'Alternative Medicines Guide'

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Thursday 3 November 2016

Atkins Diet Tips - 6 Powerful Atkins Diet Tips

In this article you will find six useful Atkins diet tips.
It is no surprise that the Atkins diet spreads around the world like wildfire to help you out with your weight loss battle.
I give you seven tips to get more results from the Atkins diet.
Atkins diet tip 1 # 1 Get protein from lower fat sources
If you want to apply the Atkinson diet effectively you must eat foods that contain low fat.
Examples of some lower fat sources are chicken, olives, pasta dried fruits and so on.
Atkins diet tip 2 # Drink water.
Whether you like it or not if you follow the Atkins diet you have to drink water.
Drinking water is necessary to keep your metabolism active.
Try to link at least eight glasses of water in a day.
Atkins diet tip 3 # Take a picture
It is important thay stay motivated.
Take a picture of yourself before you follow the diet and share it with your partner, friends, colleagues and family members.
Now every time you want to quit with the atkins diet look at the picture and see how far you have come?
Atkins diet tip 4 # 4 Try a low fat carb fruit dessert.
No good meal without a dessert. However if you want to lose weight pay attention.
Do not cakes, ice creams or giant pieces of apple pie.
Yes they are very tasteful but if you do this say goodbye to your fat burning efforts.
Instead try a low fat carb fruit dessert. Well here are some fruits you can eat and believe me they are almost as good as apple pie perhaps sometimes even better.
Try this out melon, pears, grapefruit, blueberries, strawberries.
Atkins diet tip 5 # Make your diet public
You want to follow a diet but you are a little bit unsure what people will think about you.
Don't be afraid dieting is not a crime. Instead tell people about your plan to follow an Atkins diet plan.
In fact telling your friends, partners and co workers will increase your accountability.
Atkins diet tip 6 # Choose the right Atkins diet book.
Well I keep it simple the best books related to the atkins diet are the books from Dr Atkins himself.
Of course there are other great diet books written by others too.
Don't forget to do research about it you it is better to spend fifty bucks on useful information that ten bucks on crap information.
I'm sure these atkins diet tips will help you to lose more weight
However if you're not sure about it ask a doctor or diet specialist for help
The medical industry is scamming you.
A weight loss expert is revealing it all in his free report. Visit my blog to get your instant copy of it, hurry up while it is still free.
If you want to learn much much more about weight loss visit my 
weight loss tip website

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Wednesday 2 November 2016

How to Lose Weight in A WEEK | Effective Diet to Lose Weight in a Week

Lose Weight Quickly with these effective diet tips

12 Diet Facts and 12 Diet Tips for Losing Weight Quickly

Would you like to lose weight fast?
Following these diet tips are a good first step on the way to saying goodbye to 10 pounds of unwanted fat. Just pay attention to what you eat and be sure to have good tasting, fresh and healthy food including snacks, fill up on vegetables and keep your taste buds happy with fruit. Just follow these weight loss diet tips that you can use daily, with ease. Help to create your bodies' own fat burning furnace. Be sure to practice a healthy lifestyle and introduce consistency into your diet & fitness program to lose weight quickly and to make the fat loss permanent. No need to make sacrifices! Just follow these simple guidelines and diet tips.
1. For a tasty low fat mayonnaise spread, try mixing one teaspoon of Dijon mustard or Satay sauce with a low fat yoghurt to taste. Diet tip 1: Keep a note of everything that you eat and drink. You do not need to estimate calories. Just write down what it was that you had and the approximate quantity. You will find that being more aware of what you are eating helps you to plan healthy meals and snacks.
2. Don't miss out on meals. Trying to cut calories by excluding a meal actually works against you because your body's metabolism will decelerate to compensate and start to conserve energy. Eating smaller amounts more regularly can increase your metabolism.
Diet Tip 2: Halve your intake of all pure or added fats. This means using half as much butter or spread on your bread, toast, muffins and potatoes; half the usual amount of mayonnaise or sauce on your salad; and half the oil in the frying pan every time.
3. Include a lower fat source of protein at most meals: chicken, fish, beans, cottage cheese, or low fat yogurt. Have eggs, nuts and red meat occasionally but not every day.
Diet Tip 3: Using vegetables such as capsicum and zucchini and stuffing them with flavoured fillings or minced up white meat, chicken, fish etc is a healthy low fat alternative.
4. Plan at least one lunch and dinner every week without meat or cheese. Build those meals around whole grains, vegetables and beans to increase fiber and reduce fat.
Diet Tip 4: Pita bread wraps are great for salad fillings
5. The most beneficial time to exercise is about 8 hours after getting up. A at this time of day, the body's metabolism starts to decelerate. So, take a half-hour of exercise before you have dinner this will increase your metabolism enabling you to burn fat for up to 3 hours after your work out is over.
Diet Tip 5: It is better to exercise than not at all.
6. Include at least two servings of vegetables at lunch and dinner. If you are getting hungry, have more.
Diet Tip 6: You can put extra iron in your diet by adding some alfalfa or mug beans to your regular meals.
7. Grated carrot makes a great snack. You will find that a grated carrot is much more filling than a whole carrot. Take time out to learn about nutrition, what foods are good for you and what foods you should keep away from
Diet Tip 7: Get creative with some healthy recipes.
8. When cooking leave out as much salt and sugar as possible. Look for healthy alternatives, such as using low fat yoghurt instead of cream. Use whole grains wherever possible. The fiber will give you a fuller feeling and also help your digestion.
Diet Tips 8: Replace salt with other herbs and spices to taste.
9. If you are serious about start a weigh loss program consult your doctor before you start. You must assure yourself that there is no medical reason that might stop you actively trying to lose weight.
Diet Tip 9: Metabolic enhancers - such as chilli - they help turn your body into a fat burning furnace
10. Choose food that you can chew. Again this will increase your fiber intake, and the act of chewing will make you feel more satisfied too. This means eating fruit instead of drinking juice. If you have soup, make sure it is chunky.
Diet Tip 10: Eat slower and make sure you chew longer and never rush a meal.
11. Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time. Plan your shopping too - make a list of what you need and stick to it. If you just grab something when you are feeling hungry, you will probably choose high calorie food.
Diet Tip 11: Eat little and often - have healthy snacks - it is better to eat several times instead of only one or two meals a day.
12. Do not eat in front of the TV. Studies have proved that we eat larger portions in front of the TV, probably because we are much less aware of what we are eating.
Diet Tip 12: Don't eat anything if it is less than 3 hours before you go to bed. Get into the habit of eating healthily and lose weight quickly.
These are just some of the things you can do, with ease, to help you get into losing weight quickly. 12 Diet facts and 12 diet Tips to help you discover how to lose pounds. You will feel satisfied and more energetic than in the past without feeling deprived of food. Go Here and discover how to lose weight quickly.
Stephen J Skyvington-Diplock has been active on the web for a number of years. He currently he has a number of websites on the web marketing various products in various niche markets. You can reach him at

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Tuesday 1 November 2016

Weightloss tips and tricks! (with old pictures)

Good video for you

3 tips for the ultimate weight loss breakfast

I love breakfast.
It is exceptionally rare for me to miss breakfast, and when I do, I am in a prickly mood most of the day, ravenous by mid-morning, and making poor food choices by lunch.
And it’s not just me.
Research has shown that breakfast skippers have an overall poor diet quality and make lousy food choices throughout the day compared with breakfast consumers. Not surprisingly, breakfast skipping is strongly associated with an increased likelihood of weight gain.
Thus, one could argue, breakfast may very well be the most important meal of the day.
While simply having breakfast is great, what you have for breakfast can make a big difference.
Here are the top 3 ways to ensure you get your day off to a good start.
1. Load up on fiber
I’ve previously discussed how having a breakfast high in fiber may be more satiating for a smaller number of calories, and thus may be one important way to help manage hunger and thus caloric intake. I’ve also discussed another study showing that a breakfast high in fiber and with a low glycemic index (the degree to which an ingested food causes a spike in blood glucose levels) may enhance fat oxidation during a subsequent bout of exercise.
2. Don’t forget the protein
Studies have shown that consuming breakfasts high in protein is associated with decreased appetite over the following hours and a reduced caloric intake during lunch by comparison to low-protein breakfasts. A recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also found that a high protein breakfast curbs evening snacking by comparison to normal-protein breakfast in overweight or obese young women who normally skipped breakfast.
3. Don’t be shy with the calories
This point may seem counterintuitive, but let me explain. A study published late last year compared two 1400kcal weight loss diets in a group of overeweight or obese women with the metabolic syndrome: high-calorie breakfast (700kcal breakfast, 500kcal lunch, and 200kcal dinner) versus high-calorie dinner (200kcal breakfast, 500kcal lunch, and 700kcal dinner). Over a period of 12 weeks, the women eating the hearty breakfast showed over a 2-fold greater weight loss (8.7 vs. 3.6 kg) and reduction in waist circumference (8.5 vs. 3.9 cm) by comparison to the women eating a hearty dinner. What’s more, the women in the high-calorie breakfast group showed better improvements in most metabolic markers, including fasting glucose, insulin, insulin sensitivity, and triglyceride levels. In fact, while mean triglyceride levels decreased by 33.6% in the high-calorie breakfast group, they increased by 14.6% in the high-calorie dinner group. Finally, women eating a big breakfast reported greater satiety and less hunger throughout the day.
So what will you have for breakfast tomorrow?
My current go-to breakfast consists of ~175g of plain 4% Greek yogurt, with a couple tablespoons of granola, and a handful of fruit (most common: apple, bannana, blackberries, raspberries, mango). If I’m feeling particularly hungry that morning, I may add a poached egg or two. So on the low end of the spectrum, I’m getting approximately 20g of protein (yogurt + granola), up to 30g (~5g per egg) on the higher end if I decide to include a couple of eggs.